

If you are an owner of a shop or if you decide on products that your shop sells and you would like to sell our T-shirts, we look forward to collaborate, just send us message.


If you are a photographer and want to see your photo being printed on T-shirt almost like the Alps you see on our first product, send us a link to your portfolio or specific photo. We are looking for texture alike photos from nature and more or less extreme sports. You might have just one good shot, it still can be the one we are looking for. But make sure that it is horizontal and it's size is very, very big as it is critical for us to have excellent resolution and each half of the photo looks equally good as both half's together.


If you have purchased our T-shirt and wish it to be posted on our Facebook page or other suitable media, or just share with us how it looks on you, tag it with #36TS or #ZemeDesign, or send us message, we will reply. We want to post images with you!


If you are ambitious, long term thinker and can make the world go round, let us know your vision of how and why you can and want to be one of us. One man does not win the fight, we might really need you.